Heaven Burns Red / Characters – 30G

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Seraphim Code: Noblesse oblige
Height: 164cm
Date of birth: January 6
Place of birth: Unknown

Her comrades completely trust and rely upon her. She is earnest and honest, and also easy to get on with. If someone tells her something she doesn’t expect, she gets flustered and shows her cute side. The more she consults with Kayamori, the more this side of her gets out.

Seraphim Code: Furinkazan1
Height: 170cm
Date of birth: December 1
Place of birth: Kagoshima

She is believed to be the strongest soldier in the whole seraph unit. She has the looks of a warrior and the aura of a strong person. She’s really good at making drinks and soups. She once had the dreams of opening a café with her best friend, who lost her life in a battle.

  1. “Furinkazan” is the “short version” of the Sun Tzu’s banner quote. The full phrase meaning would be “as swift as wind, as gentle as forest, as fierce as fire, as unshakable as mountain.”

Seraphim Code: Echo, bowstring of extermination!
Height: 156cm
Date of birth: January 5
Place of birth: Kyoto

Blessed with a gift for Japanese archery, she was once chosen as Japan’s representative as a “talent you see once every 100 years”. She loves Japanese traditional culture so much that she founded the “Japan’s Traditional Culture Preservation Association” and has been put a lot of efforts in its activities, but despite this she is still the only member. She wears a kimono and a mask, making her appearance very distinctive. She is usually polite and soft-spoken, but when she gets hyped up she becomes quiet aggressive.

Seraphim Code: Being cute is the best
Height: 152cm
Date of birth: December 25
Place of birth: Gunma

Her face and tone of voice can change in a heartbeat. When she is calm, she is also very refined. However, when she loses it, she goes into a rage. She loves lolita clothing and is always trying to increase the number of the allies for it. She and Kiryu, another member of her unit, are both kindred spirits who share the love for a specific culture and get along well.

Seraphim Code: Come close and I’ll cut you down!
Height: 138cm
Date of birth: March 21
Place of birth: Chiba

The youngest girl in unit 30G who lives by the sword. She pretends to be a lone swordsman. She very much minds being the youngest one, and seizes every opportunity to act self-important. She is a weird girl who imposed a rule to herself to never fight more than 3 minutes. She is not used to be praised for anything else besides her swordsmanship skills, so she easily get flustered.

Seraphim Code: Time to reap a good harvest!
Height: 172cm
Date of birth: June 18
Place of birth: Akita

She has an unusual attachment to and skills with rice. She is the creator of gourmet dishes like tropical roll and nostalgic onigiri, which has become very popular in within the base. She took the role of Tsukishiro’s supporter in battle. She pretends to be very calm, but whenever she gets involved with Kayamori, Kura is at her mercy and her facade shaken.

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