Heaven Burns Red / Main Story / Prologue / Day 0

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Important note:

A way to translate the game without touching the in-game files has been discovered. Which means, a patch is not out of question (thanks Moon for sharing this!)

I believe it’s better for everyone if I join the project over there, so that having a kind of complete patch will be faster – the more people working on that, the sooner things will get done.

Anyways, since I’ve already translated a bunch of stuff, and since I really enjoy translating HBR, I guess I’ll keep post stuff here for fun, and maybe put out my own patch because, why not?

If I find out that a lot of people will want an online version as well, I will at some point format every chapter directly on WordPress as well. As of now, I have no plans of doing it because of how much time consuming it would be.

You can download either the .docx file or the .pdf file from below. If you’d like to see other formats, let me know!


.docx file ▾
.pdf file▾

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