Heaven Burns Red / Characters – Headquarters

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The base commander and the commanding officer of the seraph unit. She is also one of unit 31A’s instructors. People are able to live inside the dome only thanks to her. She was once a very strong member of the seraph unit, but she has retired from fighting in the battlefield. The training she gives to Kayamori and the rest of unit 31A is strict, and she would at times become menacing.

She is the officer who looks after Kayamori and the others. She may look very young, but she is much older than Kayamori and the other girls. She assists Tezuka as a strategist. Even the commander acknowledges her innate analytical skills, and values Nanase’s opinion immensely. She is good at doing her work by being detached.

Theory instructor of Kayamori and the other girls. She is a former member of the seraph unit, just like Tezuka, and became an instructor due to being injured on the field. She doesn’t hold back when she drinks.

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