Heaven Burns Red / Characters – 31A

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Seraphim Code: My legend begins now
Height: 159cm
Date of birth: June 24
Place of birth: Kanagawa

Former vocalist and guitarist of the legendary rock band “She is Legend”. She both wrote lyrics and composed music, and the band’s major debut album made a clean sweep of all the new faces awards of that year. She was the definition of “genius”. She deeply loves music and formed the new “She is Legend” band together with the other 5 members of unit 31A. She is carefree, cares about her friends, and sometimes shows what she got.

Seraphim Code: Hello World
Height: 160cm
Date of birth: September 17
Place of birth: Niigata

Former member of the hacker group “Orchid”, and the genius hacker who played a big role in preventing World World III. She is the only person with common sense in funny bunch that is unit 31A, and took on the role of being the serious one. She is fan of the legendary band “She is Legend” Kayamori was part of. Since she joined the seraph unit, though she has been swayed by Kayamori, Izumi has been supporting her.

Seraphim Code: Yer savior is here
Height: 159cm
Date of birth: October 28
Place of birth: Osaka

A determined psychic from Kansai. She has psychic abilities, but their power is unknown. Or better, she hasn’t been particularly helpful since joining the seraph unit. Despite this, she believes to be the one and only savior of the world. She is in rivalry with her peer Kayamori, who is praised as a genius.

Seraphim Code: There is more than just one truth
Height: 163cm
Date of birth: February 14
Place of birth: Tokyo

A girl with a perfect appearance self-proclaimed elite secret service agent. However, no matter how you look at it, she is not even close to be a decent secret service agent. She is incredible knowledgeable about only useless information. She takes great pleasure in teaching Karen Asakura, another member of unit 31A, the secrets of a beautiful skin.

Seraphim Code: I’ll choke the life out of you as if it were nothing
Height: 158cm
Date of birth: July 11
Place of birth: Tochigi

A gamer great at FPS. Her personality is just adorable as her appearance. She likes junk food that she can eat with one hand because she can keep playing while eating. She is the other half of the twin vocalists in the new “She is Legend”. However, her secret personality is a frightening murderer.

Seraphim Code: Above the rest
Height: 137cm
Date of birth: November 1
Place of birth: Nagasaki

Despite her appearance, she is the former captain of a battleship. She was defeated in the Sea of Okhotsk. She is naturally funny, but doesn’t realize it. She looks up to Megumi Aikawa, another member of unit 31A who is always protecting her. She feels insecure about her short height.

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